Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tru Publishing & Conversations Book Club begin Literary Hour in '08

In 2007 Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb and Tru Publishing President Corey "C-Murder" Miller began a literary partnership that will change the way books are discussed forever.
The pair began working together in January 2007, bringing a series of scheduled conference call discussions with book lovers in Mississippi to chat about Miller's bestselling novel DEATH AROUND THE CORNER. After the success of the phone chats, Webb and Miller were able to partner again to orchestrate his visit to Mississippi--- the author's first-ever stop outside of his hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana in promoting his book. The response was over 2000 attending the two days of events and hundreds of books being sold in the state. (Watch Conversations' exclusive tv interview with Miller by visiting here:
Now, just days before the end of one year and the beginnig of annother, a new alliance between the two has been sealed. It's called the "Tru Conversations Hour." 
Beginning Thursday January 31, 2008 at 7p.m. CST and continuing every Thursday through February 2008, hundreds of Miller's fans will be able to call one special number (1.712.432.3000/ access code, 398736) and connect with him to discuss the book that was chosen as Conversations Book Club's "Book of the Year 2007".
The chats will be moderated by Webb and will include his reading excerpts from the book to evoke discussion. Though his music lovers are encourage to join the chat, the questions should center around the novel.
After the five weeks of discussions featuring Miller, Webb will continue to moderate the hour program with other authors that will be able to reach out to their fans all over the world at one time.
Thanks to Tru Publishing, podcasts of each hour session will be available through for others to enjoy at a later time free of charge. Just another way that Conversations Book Club is helping others to 'join the addiction and get hooked on books.'
For more information, contact Kernell Reynolds ( at 504.915.8581, Cyrus A. Webb ( or Robin Gardner at 601.664.8805.

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